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A Normandale student helps another student.
Tuition and Financial Aid

What's the best way to pay for college?

You can get your degree or earn that certificate without mountains of student debt. We are committed to helping you find financial aid and payment resources that fit your needs.

Normandale is one of the most affordable colleges in Minnesota. Our expert coaches will guide you through the financial aid process to find scholarships, grants, work-study jobs and low-interest federal loans to help you pay for your education.

Do the FAFSA!

For U.S. citizens, permanent residents and other eligible non-citizens, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the one-stop form to apply for more than $150 billion in grants, loans, and work-study funds. Check out this video for info about the FAFSA and the resources available to help fill out this important application. Normandale’s FAFSA Code: 007954

MN Dream Act

This aid application process is for students who are MN residents but do not meet the citizenship requirements to complete the FAFSA. Applying can qualify you for State financial aid programs and the Normandale Scholarship program.

Apply at Minnesota Office of Higher Education (available in English or Spanish)


A student sits at a table with another student.

Apply for Aid

Follow our step-by-step guide or join work with a student service coach (in person or virtually) to learn how the financial aid process works. 

Three students work at computers.

Official Forms

Need to submit a form or document? Official forms can be found here.

 A student works at a small table with a vivid red background behind her.

After You Apply for Aid

Your award letter will tell you what type and amount of funds you're eligible for at your enrollment level.

A student works on a laptop on her lap.


All it takes is one easy form to apply for up to $3,000 in scholarships through the Normandale Community College Foundation.

Apply for Scholarships


1st Floor, College Services

Hours: M-W 8 am - 5 pm; Th 10 am to 5 pm; F 8 am to 12 pm (Virtual Only on Fridays) Closed weekends and holidays

Chat: M-Th 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

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