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Psychology Student of the Month

Individual with white sweatshirt that says Normandale. Black and white head covering. Watch and ring on one hand and tattoo on other arm. Standing in hallway of Normandale. Thumbs are in pockets of sweatshirt.

Cicely Ramirez

Coming back to college was daunting after so long away. Taking psychology was even more scary. I've always found psychology very interesting, however, never thought I'd be good at it. However when I took Dr. Jamie Peterson's class, it had been a game-changer for me, not just academically, but in how I understand people, relationships, and even myself. I came into these classes expecting to learn about theories and research methods, also anticipating that I would get at most a D. I wasn't prepared for how much I'd see my own life reflected in the material. Studying psychology has helped me make sense of human behavior in a way that feels deeply personal, especially as a mother of 3 very different, wonderful kids and a wife to my incredibly supportive (and patient!) husband, Rene. Lets just say, parenting and marriage are their own psychology experiments in real time.

Jamie played a huge role in making my transition back to college feel less daunting. She reminded me that I wasnt just coming back to school was bringing years of life experience with me, and that mattered. Her kindness and encouragement made me feel like I belonged in an academic space again, even when imposter syndrome tried to creep in.

At Richfield Transition School where I am a paraprofessional at, my lead teacher, Kim, has also been such a grounding force, reminding me that education is important at all stages and you can always learn something new. My psychology studies have reinforced why I'm drawn to special education. Understanding how the brain processes information, how behavior is shaped by experience, and how emotional regulation develops over time has given me a deeper level of empathy and insight. I don't just see students struggling I see unmet needs, unspoken frustrations, and the potential for growth.

These classes haven't just changed how I learn; they've changed how I listen, how I respond, and how I move forward on this journey. Whether its using behavioral principles to navigate a tough moment with my own kids, appreciating the resilience of my students, or even understanding myself with a little more grace, psychology has become more than just a subject, but a way of seeing the world.

I feel beyond honored to be recognized by Jamie and the psychology department and look forward to continuing my educational journey with Normandale.

All info expressed here represent the student’s personal story and perspective.

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