Effective: 11/05/2014
The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system (MnSCU) is firmly committed to respecting the privacy of all website visitors to the extent permitted by state and federal laws, including the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13.
This Privacy Statement of Normandale Community College is intended to explain the ways in which we collect information, the way we will use the information collected, and the protections we will provide the information you choose to give to us.
What is a Tennessen warning notice?
The government must give individuals notice when collecting private or confidential information from them. This is referred to as a "Tennessen warning notice." Government may also call it a "privacy notice," a "notice of collection of private/confidential data," or something similar. The purpose of the notice is to enable people to make informed decisions about whether to give information about themselves to the government.