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The Student Resource Center connects you to campus and community resources and services related to basic needs to help you overcome any barriers in your life that interfere with your academic success.  We connect students to resources related to basic needs such as food, housing, transportation, childcare, healthcare, and more.

We also offer free supplies (while supplies last):

  • School supplies (notebooks, folders, pencils, pens, binders, and headphones)
  • Safer sex supplies (condoms, dental dams, lube, emergency contraception, and pregnancy tests)
  • Personal hygiene items 
  • Adult clothing

We're Here to Support You

Connect with us in any of the following ways:

Campus Cupboard

The Campus Cupboard provides Normandale students with free food and hygiene items.

Emergency Assistance Grant

This Normandale Cares grant provides emergency financial assistance for current students.

Basic Needs Resources and Information

The Student Resource Center at Normandale Community College does not assume responsibility for the quality of services provided by outside agencies or websites listed. Inclusion in the list does not imply endorsement nor does omission indicate disapproval.

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