Participating in elections is one of the freedoms and privileges of being an American citizen. No matter your beliefs or which candidate you support, it is important to exercise your voting rights. Your vote counts!
Are you a first time voter? Are you registered? In what state are you registered? Find out how and when to vote using TurboVote. Sign up for election reminders and get help with voter registration from this helpful platform.
Check out Normandale's Democratic Engagement Action Plan.
Find valuable details below.
You can vote in person or by mail-in ballot.
Am I registered?
Check your Secretary of State's official website to see if you are registered to vote. For Minnesota, find out here.
Voting by Mail
Check the U.S. Vote Foundation’s non-partisan website for your state’s registration deadlines and options for voting by mail, and to find links to your state election office. Minnesota allows early/absentee/voting by mail and you do not need to provide a reason why you’re voting early.
Here is some information from the Minnesota Secretary of State:
Polling place locator
Who can vote, register to vote, and check if you’re registered
Vote by mail or absentee ballot
View your ballot (see the candidates)
See Minnesota-specific rules for college students from the MN Secretary of State’s office
Voting is important because it impacts your day-to-day life and future. College students have an important role in shaping our nation and local communities. Learn more about why college students’ votes are vital.
Every two years, colleges and universities from across Minnesota compete for the Democracy Cup. This award recognizes higher education institutions that have the highest voting rate for student voters.
The effort is co-sponsored by Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office, LeadMN (student association for public two year colleges), Students United (student association for four year state universities), Minnesota Student Association (student government for University of Minnesota), Minnesota Association of Private College Students and Minnesota Campus Compact.
Normandale won the inaugural Democracy Cup for the two-year public colleges category in 2018. You can read more about the Democracy Cup.
If you want to find out election results, go to the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State Election Results webpage.