We take the safety of the campus community very seriously, as well as our responsibility to provide services to all of our students. Here’s what you need to know about short-term college closures (generally seen in the form of a severe winter weather event) as well as how the college will communicate changes in schedules or closure information.
You can also view the Normandale Weather Policy.
Campus Closed
All classes (both in-person and online) and services are canceled. The buildings on campus are closed.
Late Opening
Online classes and services continue as scheduled. In-person classes and services will begin at the specified time.*
Early Release
Online classes and services continue as scheduled. In-person classes and services will close at the specified time.*
Virtual Working and Learning Day
Online classes and services continue. In-person classes and services are canceled, and the campus is closed to the public.*
*Please make sure you check D2L to confirm specific details about your class(es).
A Campus Closure, Late Opening, or Virtual Working and Learning Day will be announced by 5 a.m. An Early Release will be announced by 3 p.m. If no update is provided by these times, you should follow your normal schedule.
Announcements will be posted in the following locations:
Yes. The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and Normandale policy allows for flexibility for faculty during weather emergencies to ensure continuity of education. In this situation, it is important to check the college’s website for overall weather updates, and D2L for updates about your specific classes.
How do PSEO students find out that the college remains open if a high school closes, and they mistakenly believe we are closed or vice versa?
Students are responsible for attending their high school or college classes based on each location’s announcement. Sometimes the statuses in regard to weather will differ. Clear information will be provided on Normandale’s website, Star Alert, and social media regarding our declared scenario.
In this situation, we may need to reschedule the exam or experience. This will be managed on a case-by-case basis with faculty and students involved and the dean to determine which options exist.
The primary source of truth is the college website, along with Star Alert notifications (email and text). Announcements will be made by 5 a.m. for morning closures and by 3 p.m. for early releases. Update/verify your emergency contact information.