A Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) warning is an academic status that indicates you are not meeting the minimum standards of progress toward your degree. You will have one warning semester to meet the criteria or you risk suspension and potentially lose eligibility for future financial aid. Watch this video to learn more about warning.
Many students have successfully moved out of the warning process. Our student success stories show that working with Normandale's resources will help your academic growth and success.
We believe you can do this and are here to help you succeed!
Student Services Chat Hours
M-W: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Th: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
F: 9 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
We recommend you use the GPA calculator to estimate your GPA and completion rate during your warning term.
You were placed on warning because you are not meeting the minimum GPA or you haven't completed enough credits successfully, one or both.
The standard states that you must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 (C average) or higher and a cumulative credit completion rate of 66.66% or higher.
You will remain on warning for 1 term following the term you didn't meet the above requirements.
At the end of your warning term, you must meet the cumulative GPA and cumulative completion rate or you will be placed on Academic and Financial Aid Suspension.
During your warning term, you can still register for classes and receive financial aid.
After your warning term, the only way to avoid suspension is to meet minimum SAP requirements—earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 and a minimum cumulative 66.66% completion rate.
Unfortunately, sometimes it is impossible to avoid suspension; for example, if you enrolled in 12 credits and withdrew from them during your first semester, your completion rate will be 0%, and you will enter your second semester on Warning. If you complete 12 credits your second semester, your cumulative completion rate will only be 50%, which will result in suspension. Students who are suspended are encouraged to appeal.
Remember, if you don't bring up your grades or credit completion rate the term following your warning, you will be suspended and not be able to register for classes or receive financial aid.
If you registered for 10 credits at the beginning of the semester, but then withdrew from 4 credit course, this would not meet the minimum of 66.66%. It would be 60% or 6 credits out of 10 registered.
The following grades are not considered complete - F, FW, NW, FN, NA, NC, I and W.
If you are not meeting one of these items or both of these items, you will be placed on warning.
Here are some additional resources at Normandale you should consider for help in bringing your grades and credit completions up:
1st Floor, College Services
Hours: M-W 8 am - 5 pm; Th 10 am to 5 pm; F 8 am to 4:30 pm Closed weekends and holidays