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If you have met for an intake meeting in the past, and don't remember what accommodations you are eligible for, you can email us (from your college email account) or meet with us by scheduling either a Zoom Accommodation Review or an On-Campus Accommodation Review meeting. If you have not yet had an intake meeting, please schedule either a Zoom Intake or On-Campus Intake meeting, or by calling us at 952-358-8625.


After you have registered with the OSD program, follow these steps to access testing accommodations for face-to-face classes: 

  • After classes have started, get the "Testing Accommodation Letter" from the OSD in room L2722 (one form for each class).
  • OSD staff will print the forms for you and give you purple alternative testing forms.
  • Give the letter to each instructor once during the semester.
  • A few days before each in-person test, give your instructor a purple testing form.
  • If you prefer a private testing room, reserve one by calling, emailing, or stopping by L2722. 
  • On the day of the test, come to OSD instead of class. Tests should be taken at the same time as the rest of the class.


Note Taking services may be requested at the beginning of each semester. Generally, students should attend class before requesting a note taker, as some instructors may post notes on the class website - D2L, provide informational packets, or allow students to have a copy of classroom powerpoints, if requested. If none of these avenues are possible, a student could request a note taker. At that point, an OSD staff member will recruit a volunteer note taker for each class requested. OSD students are expected to attend class to receive notes. If you are not receiving notes or there are concerns about the notes, contact the OSD immediately.


If you are deaf or hard-of-hearing and require interpreting services, you should meet with the OSD Lead Interpreter to schedule interpreting before registering for classes. Currently-enrolled OSD students may register for classes on the first day of registration. Late enrollment for classes may mean that interpreting services for that semester cannot be provided in a timely manner. If you withdraw from a course, let the OSD staff know immediately so that interpreting services can be cancelled.

If you need an interpreter for other school-related activities, you also need to schedule with the OSD staff. Requests for interpreters for other programs or activities offered at Normandale Community College need to be made at least 3 business days in advance. Contact

If you will be late or absent from class, you must contact the OSD office before the class starts to cancel the interpreter. The first time you are late or absent from class without calling the OSD office, you will receive a written reminder. If you are late or absent a second time without notifying the OSD office, you must meet with the OSD Director. If you are late or absent a third time without notifying the OSD office, your interpreting services could be withdrawn. After three absences, an alternative accommodation could be provided instead of an interpreter.


Alternative format audio textbooks are available in two formats:

  • Electronic text files (PDF/ePub) that can be read out loud with text-to-speech software (Read&Write)
  • Traditional audio books ordered from Learning Ally.

Contact the OSD staff to get a request form. Register early for classes each semester and contact OSD staff to inform us which textbooks are needed. Request your alternative format textbooks early to ensure you have them by the start of the semester.


Organization and time management assistance is arranged by scheduling an appointment with the OSD staff. If you have already met for an intake in the past, you can schedule OTM support by calling 952-358-8625, emailing, or online at either of these links: On-Campus OTM Scheduler or Zoom OTM Scheduler.

Study skills, staying organized, and using technology are important to your success. See the Tutoring Center's website for study skills and other tips:


If the accommodations that have been provided do not meet your needs, you are responsible for notifying the OSD. You can schedule a meeting by calling 952-358-8625 or using our Zoom Accommodation Concern or On-Campus Accommodation Concern scheduling websites. If you have attempted to resolve issues related to your accommodations but you feel that Normandale has failed to meet your needs, you may file a complaint. Complaints generally are about issues such as:

  • accommodations provided
  • timely implementation of accommodations
  • access to buildings
  • access to information

Complaints are treated seriously at Normandale and it has processes in place to investigate and help resolve them. Complaints should be filed in a timely manner and are usually, but do not need to be, submitted in written form.


Students who are concerned about program access or a denial of an accommodation should discuss the concern with the OSD Director, Debbie Tillman. Students who would like to appeal the denial of an accommodation request or program access may use the Student Complaint/Grievance form which is available in the Dean of Student's Office (C1073) or online at

Any student who thinks s/he has been discriminated against because of a disability is encouraged to contact the Compliance Officer at Normandale Community College, the MN Department of Human Rights or the U.S. Department of Education Regional Office of Civil Rights.

  • Appointments may be made to meet with the Normandale Community College Compliance Officer, Jason Cardinal, by calling 952-358-8926, emailing, or stopping by the Student Affairs suite.
Jason Cardinal; Normandale Community College
9700 France Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55431
  • A student may file a complaint with the MN Department of Human Rights.  This written complaint must be filed within one year of the alleged discrimination.
500 Bremer Tower, 7th Place
St.  Paul, MN 55101
  • A student may file a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights.  This written complaint must be signed and must be filed within 180 days of the alleged discrimination unless the filing date has been extended.
Regional Civil Rights Director
Office for Civil Rights, Region V
401 South State Street, 7th Floor
Chicago, IL 60605

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