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Periodical Routing Service

We offer a print periodical routing service for current employees to regularly receive magazine and journal issues to their campus mailboxes. Any employee, regardless of department or discipline, can join the routing list for a periodical. You have 1 week to read it before sending it to the next person on the routing list. To add or remove yourself from our routing lists, contact Library Technician Kim Christianson.

Which Titles Are Routed

The list of titles available for routing appears below. We route the second most recent issue of a periodical. (The most recent issue is on display for in-library use.)

Departments may request that titles purchased with their funds not be routed so that students have access to these titles. To add or remove a departmental title from the routing list, contact Acquisitions Librarian Luke Mosher.

Your Responsibilites

When you receive a routed periodical, you have 1 week to read it before sending it to the next person on the list through campus mail (or back to the Library if you are the last one on the list). If you will be away from campus for an extended period, you can temporarily remove yourself from the routing list and resume routing upon your return. The routing order is determined on a first-come, first-served basis, but we may re-order the list if individuals are routinely late sending periodicals on. If periodicals are frequently lost, damaged, or persistently overdue, we may remove an individual from routing lists.

Need more time with an issue? Send it on to the next person and borrow it again when it is done routing. After it has finished routing, it will be returned to the Library and will be available for the regular checkout and renewal period.

List of Routable Periodicals

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